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List of Agencies and Services on Long Island

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LI Agency List

Care At Home

Medicaid Waiver for Developmentally Disabled Children (OPWDD)


The Care At Home Waiver program allows Medicaid to pay for some services not provided through "regular" Medicaid, such as case management, respite, home adaptations and vehicle modification. These services can make home care an option for children and their families. Although this Medicaid funding applies only to the child, it can be used to help cover the costs of caring for the child at home.

Must be under 18 years of age

Have a developmental disability

Demonstrate complex health care needs

Be eligible for the level of care provided by an intermediate care facility (ICF/DD, i.e. a certified nursing home)

Does not require a hospital inpatient stay

Must not be eligible for Medicaid when parents' income/resources are counted, and

Must be eligible for Medicaid when parents' income and resources are not counted.


Care At Home Handbook


The Care at Home Program pays for all of the usual Medicaid services. A list of some of the essential services include:

Private duty nursing

Home health / personal care services

Medicaid supplies and equipment

Prescription drugs

Physical, occupational and speech therapy

Hospital inpatient and outpatient services

Physicians care

Laboratory and X-ray services


In addition, the Care at Home Program pays for some services not ordinarily covered including:

Case Management

Respite care

Medical social services

Nutrition counseling

Respiratory therapy

Home & van adaptation / modification services


Agencies that offer Care at Home:

Angela's House

St. Mary's

You can also contact the Long Island DDRO (Developmental Disabilities

Regional Office) to help you:
                                                              Director: Jan Williamson (Acting)

FAX: 631-493-1865

 Deputy Director
 Barry Ockner (Long Island), 


Angela's House

Respite Reimbursement Program

This program serves Technology Dependent, Medically Fragile, Chronically Ill, and Developmentally Disabled person. Angela’s House has a Family Support Service grant with the NYS Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) to serve families who reside in Nassau and Suffolk counties.
Families will call the intake coordinator to verify qualification and approval to obtain in home respite/relief services. There will be a direct reimbursement given to the family monthly through a voucher system and each family will hire and pay their own child care worker.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The priority for the respite program will be for Technology Dependent, Medically Fragile, Chronically Ill and Developmentally Disabled persons

  • Family must reside in Nassau or Suffolk County

  • The priority of the program is to serve families that are currently not receiving any services such as Medicaid, Physically Handicapped Children’s Program or other respite programs


How to Apply:
Call the intake coordinator at: 
(631) 661–6951 


 (Adults and Children with Learning and Developmental Disabilities)

After-School Activities

 These services may be funded by local school districts, the New York State Office For People With Developmental Disabilities(OPWDD), local office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities(VESID) and Medicaid.

Can be added as part of the CSE meeting (see  Definitions  section of this website)

Bussing is available depending on your school district

The ACLD After-School Therapeutic Recreation program is located in Bay Shore, New York. Students have the opportunity to choose to participate in a variety of activities on a daily basis, including arts and crafts, music, games, toys, puzzles, sports, cooking, outside play and special events. The program is operated under the direction of a Licensed Recreation Therapist.

The After-school Therapeutic Recreation program hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 2:45 pm until 5:45 pm and follow the school calendar.

Principal: Noreen Clemens
Phone: 631-665-1900 x 312


 (Answering the Needs of Citizens with Handicaps through Organized Recreation)

A year-round recreation program dedicated to children and adults with special needs who reside within the Town of Hempstead. Our Fall/Winter/Spring Program provides activities after school and on Saturdays in various locations throughout the  township.

Monday Bowling: 4:30 -6:16pm - Malverne, Rockville Centre,

East Meadow
Tuesday Drama: 7:00-9:00pm - Levittown Memorial Education Center
Wednesday Sports: 7:00-8:30pm - Grace Lutheran School, Malverne
Thursday Fitness: 7:00-8:30pm - Grand Avenue School, Bellmore
Thursday Swim: 7:00-9:00pm - Echo Park (8 sessions Fall & Spring)
Friday Dance: 7:00-9:15pm - Lido Beach Town Park
Saturday Program: 9:45am-2:30pm - Rosemary Kennedy Center


630 Lido Blvd., Lido Beach Town Park Lido Beach, N.Y. 11561

Administrative Office: (516) 431-6946

Community Habilitation Counselor (CHP)


 Community Habilitation (CH) is a service that is described in a habilitation plan and focuses on the person’s need for skill acquisition and direct service provision. These services are provided so that the person can live with the greatest degree of independence possible by providing habilitative supports to facilitate community inclusion, integration, and relationship building in community settings.Most agencies on Long Island offer this service. Please contact your family support services branch of the agency to find out more information.

You can also contact the Long Island DDRO to help you
Director: Jan Williamson (Acting)
631-493-1704, FAX: 631-493-1865

Deputy Director
Barry Ockner (Long Island), 

Disney Trips

St. Mary's Home Care

A Special Needs Certified Home Health Agency

When specialized care is needed at home, St. Mary’s Home Care, a special needs Certified Home Health Agency (CHHA), is a trusted resource for children and young adults with disabilities and medically complex conditions. Our goal is to provide extraordinary care and support services in the home to help patients regain independence and achieve a better quality of life. St. Mary’s Home Care provides short-term skilled care for patients from newborn to 44 years of age.

Our Services:
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy
Medical Social Services/Counseling
Home Health Aide
Equipment & Supplies (by arrangement)
Compassionate Care

We understand the important role family plays in a patient’s recovery. At St. Mary’s Home Care, we use a family-centered, team approach to care. Our compassionate team of clinicians works closely with discharge planners before the patient arrives home to ensure a smooth transition. We continue to coordinate care with the patient’s physician, family, and other health professionals during the course of treatment. Additionally, we are there to assist patients and families overcome any fears or concerns about caring for a loved one at home.

Contact Us:

Referrals: 1-800-270-2478

General Information: 516-471-9300

Fax: 516-861-3800


Consumer Directed Personal Assitance Program (CDPAP)


  • This Medicaid program provides services to chronically ill or physically disabled individuals who have a medical need for help with activities of daily living (ADLs) or skilled nursing services.


  • Services can include any of the services provided by a personal care aide (home attendant), home health aide, or nurse. Recipients have flexibility and freedom in choosing their caregivers.


  • The individual or the person acting on the individual's behalf (such as the parent of a disabled or chronically ill child) assumes full responsibility for hiring, training, supervising, and – if need be – terminating the employment of persons providing the services.


PDF overview of CDPAP

How do I find the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program?

Before a person can receive services, his or her doctor must send a completed Physician's Order for Services to the local socialservices district, which then completes a social and nursing assessment. A nurse assessor then determines whether the recipient can appropriately participate in CDPAP, and recommends the amount, frequency and duration of services.

Physician's Order for Services Form

For more information contact the Long Island DDRO (Developmental Disabilities Regional Office)

Director: Jan Williamson (Acting)
631-493-1704, FAX: 631-493-1865

Deputy Director
Barry Ockner (Long Island), 
Requirements of CDPAP:


  • Recipients must be able and willing to make informed choices regarding the management of the services they receive, or have a legal guardian or designated relative or other adult able and willing to help make informed choices.

  • The consumer or designee must also be responsible for recruiting, hiring, training, supervising and terminating caregivers, and must arrange for back-up coverage when necessary, arrange and coordinate other services; and keep payroll records.

  • Outline of CDPAP

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The Hagedorn Little Village School 

Special education, inclusionary programs and therapeutic services are provided at HLVS, community child-care and preschool sites and/or at home. 

These programs and services help to improve the development of young children with and without disabilities.  Licensed professionals provide evaluations, early intervention, special education services and therapies at no cost to families. 

A full range of support services are offered to families residing in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, and New York City.​

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